Picture of Seema from this past weekend. I dress her up so cute in a green mock turtleneck and jeans, then layered on a pink and green hearts sundress. Was trying to get some Valentine's photos... but at last we'll have to try again.
Re-cap from yesterday... We are excited to have a new President. We are excited to see what change he will be bringing. Our eyes (along with millions of others) were glued to the tv and computer screens yesterday.
1. What is your favorite thing to do on a snow day? Watch tv and cuddle up under a blanket
2. What color are your socks right now? Tan and brown striped
3. What are you listening to right now? Me typing on the keyboard
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Not sure, but I drank OJ this morning
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes, but it’s been a couple years and I now tend to ride the clutch LOL-Chris!
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Sales person – sent them to voicemail. ha!
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Definitely. J
9. How old are you today? 26.1
10. Favorite drink? Hot chocolate… mmmm…
11. What is your favorite sport? Geez.. IDK
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yeah, lots.
13. Pets? Nada.
14. Favorite food? Anything Mexican or Italian.
15. Last movie you watched? Hmmm… Holes, I think that was the last one.We watch a lot of old movies on tv.
16. Favorite day of the year? Thanksgiving
17. What do you do to vent your anger? Eat
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbie
19. What is your favorite, summer, fall, winter or spring? Fall
20. In what outfit do you feel the most like yourself? Depends were I’m at… if at home sweats and a long sleeved shirt (for the winter)
21. Cherry or Blueberry? Blueberry
22. Kittens or Puppies? Puppies
23. Choir, Band, or other? Other, IDK
24. Facebook or Myspace? Facebook
25. Sleeping arrangements? Queen size bed, and the kiddo comes in to take over the bed mid-night
26.Where you'd most like to visit? Canada, again.Europe, Italy
28. Favorite Youtube video? Jeff Dunham with Peanut - yeah that's pretty funny!
29. Favorite smell? Freshly mowed grass, clothes when they come out of the dryer, fresh squeezed/cut oranges
30. Least favorite sound? Fingernails on the chalkboard… - yeah that!
31. What inspires you? My friends and family.
32. What are your irrational fears? Snakes, drowning, heights
33. Regular hamburger, cheese or spicy hamburger? Regular…. But preferably a veggie or turkey burger.
34. Favorite class ever? HMTL - from college; Bellies & Babies seminar - met some new peeps and learned some good marketing things.
35. Number of keys on your key ring? 1 - car key only!
36. Favorite type of shoe? Slip-ons lol
37. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
38. What do you hate? A bit of everything, depends on what’s going on
39. Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes
40. What is your favorite lunch meat? Turkey
41. Do you have kids? Little girl
42 If you were another person would you be friends with you? Heck yeah!
43. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sometimes
44. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
45. Would you bungee jump? No, I don’t like heights.
46. What is your favorite cereal? cheerios
47. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? See above shoe question ^
48. Do you think you are strong? Yes
49. What is your favorite ice cream? Rocky Road or Birthday Cake
50. What is the first thing you notice about people? Eyes
51. Red or pink? pink
52. What is your least favorite thing about you? I get distracted easily
53. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Brown pants, brown shoes - yes, I'm the matchy-matchy type of person
55. Do you exercise? Yes
57. Eye color? Blue
56. Do you wear contacts? No
59. Scary movies or happy endings? Hmm… more action/drama/comedy
60. Favorite interjection?
61. Favorite dessert? Brownies
62. What book are you reading now? Nothing for now
63. What is on your mouse pad? My mouse… lol
64. What did you watch on TV last night? Nothing good was on, so watched a bit of Channel 8’s recap of Bush’s last speech -what a joker, did you guys see how he was acting? WOW
65. Why did you complete this survey? Had the time, lol
I have a few things that I use daily to help me be more organized. Really I don't think I could live without them, even though there was a time that they didn't exist in my life.
1. Ping.FM. I am addicted to social network (facebook, twitter, etc) To be able to update all my statuses at once I use ping.fm. This also updates my LinkedIn and MySpace statuses. Check it out, it's a real time saver.
2. Morning Coffee. I'm not talking about a cuppa coffee that you drink, even though that does help me through the day to get with the program. I'm talking about this nifty little application that works similarly to your browser favorites, but will load all the sites you have in your Morning Coffee with the click of one button. For more information go here. I use Firefox most of the time, and this is an add-on.
3. Android G1 phone. I just got this phone recently but it's already making my life easier. I can get my photography emails delivered to the phone, having a calendar always with me is a godsend, to do list application, OI Shopping list (even lets you cross of the item), Compare Everywhere is also a neat application (it lets you scan an items barcode and will compare the prices with other stores).
4. Household Handbook. Have you heard of this? If not you are so missing out. I just started mine in Oct 2008 and it's the best thing. It's a 3-ringed binder that holds everything needed to run the household. Monthly calendars, weekly calendars for scheduling, weekly meal planners, take-out menus, cleaning matrix (broke down by yearly, monthly, weekly, daily cleaning), and more stuff. It's like central command. I keep it in the kitchen by the phone. There's a section for phone messages too. If my hubby needs to know where we're going to be he can just look in there.
5. Magnetic Clips. These are a lifesaver for me. We have a magnetic door and it's just so handy to stick these clips on there. They hold outgoing mail, money, etc. Pretty much anything I might need to grab on the way out the door but otherwise would forget it if it wasn't in front of me.