Seema had her 15 month appointment this week. She weighs 22lb 2oz and is 29 inches long.
We're reducing her down to 15 oz of milk/day. She loves her milk and chugs it down.
She said "more" this morning for some more strawberry-banana-orange smoothie.
We started Itsy Bitsy Yoga for TOTS today. It's an hour long and a great connecting/bonding time for us. There are 3 other girls and Moms in this class with us. They are all around the same age and it was neat watching them all interact together.
Well this kitchen wall has been bare as long as we lived in this house (not to mention the white walls). I finally got a frame of this photography. I won a photography contest by ME Photography with this photo. The only requirement was it had to have a spoon in it. The photo is of Seema refusing to use her spoon, but instead pointing at it.
Recently I had a Uppercase Living open house party. The "simple" is one of the decals I got. I had no clue where I was going to put that decal, but then this wall said "stick it on me :D".

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